500 sec and Whatsaap hack

I am very enthusiastic to express my view on Whatsaap hack technique you only need 500 sec and some simple step to hack and crack the Whatsaap. This stole method help to find out your friends chat, family chat even you can check love triangle or find out who try to theft your GF/BF.

Don't worry he or she never ever identity that their Whatsaap hacked. This create a magical bomb in your heart that you can really crack Whatsaap but this article is not about to stole others but this is about Whatsaap which hacked your life and you accept that as your daily routine.

Facebook(FB) came first before this but this small MB app(WHATSAAP) literary fuck FB and the opening batsman(FB) slowly become forgettable, that is why FB wants to hit the goal rapidly without inches of mistake. FB then decided to Acquires Whatsaap and hears the most expensive deal occur in the history of Business.

You know why I said Whatsaap hack your life a very simple reason which I elaborates don't worry but before that just put some pressure on your mind and think is this hack occur with you ? If no then see the symptoms and think again I guaranty you 100%; you hacked by Whatsaap.

1) Wish msg to your friends and n*group:
This is really funny a wakeup msg each day you send this wish "Gm have a gr8 day" to your buddies and at least one group. When day ends you definitely not forget to wish “Gn tc sd”.  You know what; never ever you wish your family and your roommate but you continuously go for whatsaap wishes.

2) Nonsense msg advice:
Lots of nonsense msg circulates by everyone at least once to check how many nonsense people forward the same. Some face promotional activity also conducted by web creator to increase the traffic of site via offers n coupons and shockingly it works.
E.g.: forward this msg to nxt grp
                All X will vanish and it’s true.  
E.g.: get smart phone @rs.500 only just open the link and follow the step.

3) Festival:
In India Festivals is more than that of days and the celebration starts at least 15 days before fest. Name of group changes to festival name n no of festival wishes with same msg.

4) Mistake msg:
This is very common I don’t understand whether this happen mistakenly or knowingly but this happens and the conclusion is "Sorry by mistake"

5) Group n Admin:
Those who combined everyone are the ultimate target to kick-off. Yaa admin is the person who made for hates n love; you can publicly fuck then after everyone got their share to play with admin.

6) Unknown:
This this epic savings unknown no and check whether available on Whatsaap, if so send an msg to ask who r u or hi just to find out nxt girl/guy is single. When conversation started frequently they think entire mars mission was successful.

7) Gender inequalities group:
Yep these are about separate Girls, boys and combine one group. Every single individual in combine behaves like a super smart; those who appreciate in combine, the tremendously abuse in separate one (girls and boys group).  

Just are very few explanation about how your life controlled by small application named whatsaap some day before Marks (FB founder) never sleep because of this app but the reason is different, his business affected and now what he sleep without fear and we all are under the control of whatsaap.

Whatsaap actually hacked us and we don’t even know that, using app not a wrong thing but addiction causes a serious problem. We show how busy we are (doing meaningless act on whatsaap), our virtual communication viral but true communication we lost somewhere. Think of above and do needful to convert the viral fake life to real true happy life.

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