COVID19 pandemic is invisible, we can't see that with our naked eye. It's very difficult to battle when a hidden enemy is everywhere around you. The battlefield is open to fighting, and now people identify how to win.
First of all, I want to thank all those front-line warriors who with little instruments try to provide everyone with big protection. All those Doctors, farmer, sweepers, police and essential services provided hats off to them. Personally, I feel saying thanks to them is not enough because they all are wonderful and doing an excellent job. Thanks to all those also those who thought they are doing nothing by staying at home, in reality, they are the backbone of this fight trying to break the chain of such ruthless COVID19. In this pandemic, No one can do better together but we can, just follow the social distancing and break the chain.
Maybe you all know that in some battle you get time to prepare a plan of action before the war begins but when the attack is sudden, complications is more and get less time to prepare actionable plans. An intelligent army having people of fight able spirit can win any battle at any stage. This war is not between any countries so that you just contribute, support, motivate and keep the nation spirits high.
This is something new where not only armed forces but a common individual mistake leads to capitulate in front of COVID19. This newly born the corona maybe you call bio-weapon or just viruses, I personally feel this is a bio weapon. These ugly merciless little hidden weapon attacks on the immune system of a human body (there are some cases about animals also), especially those having other multiple diseases failed to fight against them that's why old age and small age people surrender early. That doesn't mean middle age group people are safe thought human body prepare antibodies to fight against the parasite possibly the virus also evolve themselves to kill those antibodies, right?
To win this war heartily participation of each individual is necessary. That's what government need us now to stay in and possible for a couple of next few weeks also. Prevention is better than cure is absolutely useful in every state of life. Our government takes the initiative to keep us safe. Now it's showtime where my responsibility (I don't wanna say our for a moment now because when I say our you neglected yourself and consideration others) My responsibility, I am responsible as a stronger warrior to help front-line worries and the government to kick that bio-weapon out of my planet without touching and inhale.
Just feel shame when people go outside risking other life and there too hurt the more. No one dies without cigarette alcohol or all unnecessary goods but because of your foolishness, those who risk their lives and there loved one to protect you suffers a lot. Still, you can't understand the panic killing truth of this COVID19 just asked your father grandfather or the most older one to whom you know have they seen such lockdown conditions before this? If the answer is no then dear you are actually in danger. Even after that also you pretend yourself sturdy (Dabang) no problems bio-weapon deals with you whereas I feel instead of that a bullet needs to deal with such sturdy.
I hope you all are smart and intelligent enough you know how to deal because of those who are uneducated poor they deal smartly more than educated ones. Look at the below pictures that teach you the idea of living.
If They Can why cant an educated one!
Don't act over smart just follow the guide line & help India to win the battle. "We Win Just Stay in N We Fight Together"