Fear of Insurance | Only Business


Soon you will die for sure, well there is no way to keep yourself alive till the sun became a black hole. What makes life beautiful the experience of living even if you can't see you can feel. Every individual made with +ve and -ve quality it's up to you what you want to choose possibly you became like Buddha (calm), but the path to becoming Buddha is too difficult so you may choose the easier path. Well, that's choice is your so I leave that up to you.

I know everyone wants an easy life while the truth is different and very versatile. Ambanis and Tata never tell their problem to us they even have numerous problem related to business family progress employees issue and so on. You wish to become one of them because you thought their life is very chilled. You want to be a rich without effort to get a comfortable life. Well, life is a journey and the journey results dependent on your move.


Just for a moment consider the world is travelling with you with tremendous energy and positive force. The enthusiasm that builds inside you automatically boost the travelling speed with positive vibes which gives the more aggression, militancy to uplift the motions.

Actually, the world has already gone you and this moment too. Currently, you are safe staying at home, so the world also got some chance to rest, thanks to little deadly COVID19 at least world breathes peacefully. Not all the viruses are good for health, the COVID19 who enter through any holes and makes you I'll probably to the death. This is really dangerous but the only industry which makes some positive asset for them with this negative virus who is playing with the front feet to finish your life journey.


Yes, you heard absolutely correct, the insurance sector. Even the salesperson staying at home hitting goals and goals by serving COVID19 insurance cover. In this lockdown period, numerous people who are homeless struggling to reach home hardly getting one-time food, and various other sectors which are completely shut down, In this condition also few doing the business by selling life with a fear of health. These smart intelligent salesman ready with a new policy they give you more fearful study and fear to buy their policy.

They smartly guide you about your health your family by leaving small questions in your mind that who will take care of your family after you? Well, the question is enough to buy fear of insurance. You know what people are not at all smart, there are lots of foolish people, those who fooled others successfully are called smart.

Will big giant stop themselves to earn money due to this fearful environment? The answer is no. With all small fish, the big giant enters in this pool to swim, and that's why every multipurpose payment gateway app wants to serve you the fear of the insurance policy.

Check out the below images that provide COVID19 Cover:

Google Pay



In short, your fear is medicine for them.

Well, I don't wan say you need to be a fearless, fear is necessary but more than that how you overcome is more important. With every associated risk-reward is there, You have to calculate the accurately whether to take a risk at the moment or not. Insurance sector who was underdogs, now performing because of us and COVID19. They are good enough to sell us a bright future and we go behind themes. We all want to live, while we all know the real truth of life is death.


The Insurance sector performing like a hitter(aggression) tremendously. They boost with numerous COVID19 cover to protect you which is good but according to me, you need to take more precaution than covering yourself with multiple insurances. If you are covering yourself then choose the best and truthful one, else before COVID19, this insurance premium will kill you.

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